Other Ways You Can Help!

Make a donation in memory of your favorite pet and help us out!

Shop on Amazon and choose FAAAS as your organization of choice. Then, Smile Amazon will donate 5% of your purchase back to our animals! It’s so easy, go sign up using this link!

If you don’t have the time or funds to donate, there are many other ways that you can show your support. Consider hosting a lemonade stand or bake sales in our honor, recommend us to your children’s sports teams or extracurricular activities as a way of helping the community. You can also hold your own car washes in neighborhoods and nearby places. Donate loose change as part of our “Caring Coins” movement, too. For more ideas or to recommend some, feel free to contact us at foreveramberacres@gmail.com.

We appreciate your efforts in helping to support Forever Amber Acres Animal Sanctuary. We love to hear from our followers and volunteers. Feel free to post, comment, or like our page on Facebook and Twitter. If you’d prefer, you can also purchase a membership and get yourself a spot on our Donors page.

Diesel Reagan and MacKenzie Coufal